Marketing Toolkit for Public School Districts
Marketing your district and schools with a ready-to-use toolkit.
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IMPORTANT: Once you've become a Friends of Texas Public Schools (FOTPS) member, you'll receive confirmation and a COUPON CODE to make the course FREE when when you return back to this page to enroll. Once you're a member of FOTPS and you have your COUPON CODE, click on FOTPS Members Enroll Here $350. You'll enter your COUPON CODE to make the course FREE. From there, you'll start the 30 minute training on how to use the toolkit on the platform called, Trello.
In just 30 minutes, the video training will show you what's inside the toolkit, how to use the elements within Trello platform, how to use the graphics for social media and communications, and how to access and distribute the principals' toolkit.
If you are not a member of Friends of Texas Public Schools, you can join here. The Marketing Toolkit for Public School Districts brought to you by Go Public and Friends of Texas Public Schools, provides engaging graphics, videos, and templates to market your schools and district. In addition, it includes a School Marketing for Principals Toolkit.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. The entire length is about 30 minutes.
How long do I have access to the course?
After you've joined Friends of Texas Public Schools, you'll have access to this toolkit training. We'll notify all members if any changes are made.
What if I'm not a member of Friends of Texas Public Schools?
If you'd like access to the toolkit, you must be a member. To join, go to If you're outside of the state of Texas, please contact [email protected].
Who can use the toolkit?
The Marketing Toolkit for Public School Districts is for those who are responsible for promoting their district or school. For example, communications departments, social media leads, PIOs, and principals.
I'm a principal of a traditional public school in Texas and I'd like access to the toolkit. What do I need to do?
First, check with your communications department or superintedent's office to see if your district is a member of Friends of Texas Public Schools. If you're not, you can join here: Once your district joins FOTPS, they will be prompted to provide a point of contact. We'll send the point of contact confirmation that your district now has access to the toolkit.